I'm sure you all already know about tools like Yaware.TimeTracker and Basecamp that make your work and the work of your employees more productive and comfortable.


But what if we told you about the integration of these two tools – Yaware.TimeTracker with Basecamp?


Let's take a quick look at each tool! 

What are the features of Yaware.TimeTracker?

With Yaware.TimeTracker, you'll find out: 

  • the length of the employees' working day;
  • what resources employees use to perform a specific task;
  • how much time is spent on a task;
  • when there are difficulties in performing a task and help is needed;
  • what distracts employees and prevents them from moving forward.


Basecamp features:

  • Manage projects in one workspace.
  • File transfer and storage.
  • General chat and news feed.
  • Calendar with events and the ability to synchronize it with Google Calendar.
  • Assigning employees to tasks, setting deadlines, and commenting.
  • View user activity.


What are the benefits of integrating Yaware.TimeTracker with Basecamp?

There are several benefits to integrating Yaware.TimeTracker with Basecamp, including:

  • Higher productivity: This integration allows you to monitor the activity of your employees by generating reports on their productivity. This way, your employees can track their own performance and stay more motivated. And you, if needed, can take the necessary measures to help your employees improve their workflow and become more efficient.

  • Better project management: By synchronizing your tasks and projects in Basecamp with Yaware.TimeTracker, you can easily see how much time your employees are spending on each task and how far along they are. This will help you better manage projects and identify areas where you can make adjustments to stay on track.

  • More transparent billing: With Yaware.TimeTracker's integration with Basecamp, you can easily create accurate invoices based on billable hours and completed tasks tracked in Basecamp. This will simplify the invoicing process and make it more transparent for both you and your employees. 

So, integrating Yaware.TimeTracker with Basecamp can help you and your employees increase productivity, manage projects more efficiently, and optimize your invoicing processes.


Would this functionality be useful for you? Contact us to find out what you think! 


Moreover, your feedback will speed up our work on the integration.


Don't miss your chance to become even more productive!

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