Great news! Now you'll get more accurate data on what employees do when they`re not at the computer.
We are pleased to announce some new updates for Yaware. The updates of offline activity tracking will help to filter the information and get exactly what you need.
Now, let`s take a closer look at these new features.

Updated offline activity monitoring settings

Hint to every offline activity

If the employee has been at a meeting with a client, which information would you like to find out in the offline activity comment? Just the name of the client? Or maybe more information, like the result of the meeting and topics that were discussed?
Now you can create hints so the employee will know exactly what to write in the comment:

Possibility to make commenting required/optional

If an employee is not working at the computer from 1p.m. till 2 p.m., when it`s time for the lunch break, should they comment their absence? Probably not.
And if the employee had a phone conversation with a client, should they specify the name of the client and conversation topic? Of course.
By enabling or disabling commenting, you will be able to manage information and eliminate the unnecessary information:


Ability to enlarge the buttons in the form for offline activity

Do your employees have off-line activities that require extensive names? Now you can add more text to the description of the offline activity and more accurately formulate possible reasons of absence:


These small but useful updates will make offline activity tracking more efficient and will help to control the work of employees with varied responsibilities.
Let us know how you like the updates and what you expect from the next release.

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