In recent years, working from home has become not only an alternative to office work, but also a full-fledged work format for many professions. Convenience, schedule flexibility, and no need for travel are just some of the advantages of this approach. However, along with all the advantages, working from home can also lead to a loss of productivity due to a number of challenges related to workflow organization and self-discipline. 


In this article, we'll look at some effective practices that can help you maintain a high level of productivity when working from home.


Create a work environment 

Working from home can be effective and productive, the main thing is to properly equip your workplace.

It's great if you can set aside a separate room for work to separate work and everyday life. If not, at least arrange your desk. It is better to put it as far away from the couch as possible to avoid unnecessary temptation. In addition, anything that can distract you should be left behind. For example, a TV or PlayStation. 

Also, take into account a few useful life hacks. First, arrange your workplace so that it receives maximum sunlight, which will help increase productivity. Also, put a couple of flowerpots with plants on your desk. This will allow your eyes to rest and stay in good shape. 


Don't work in your pajamas

When working from home, it's important to stick to a familiar work routine to maintain your productivity. Therefore, no matter how tempting the idea of working in your pajamas is, it's better to change into something that is more conducive to your workflow.


Work in intervals

Our brains focus better in shorter periods of time. For example, if you can work productively for an hour without being distracted, work for an hour and then take a break.

It's important to choose your own pace. If for you it's 30 minutes of intense work, take a couple of minutes off, and then work again for half an hour. This way, your brain will work more efficiently and cope with tasks better.


Take breaks

You can take a break to have a snack, go to the kitchen to drink water, take a walk, or just call your loved ones. Use the time as you wish, as long as the break doesn't last too long and you return to work on time. That's why researchers recommend setting aside 22 minutes for breaks, which you can split throughout the day. This is enough time to reboot and approach tasks with renewed vigor.


Interact with your colleagues

When working from home, there's always a lack of socializing. So the ideal option is to keep in touch with your colleagues, at least virtually. Ask them how they are doing, share your impressions of tasks or plans for the weekend. If that doesn't work out, you might want to go to a coworking space to meet some new people. Or you can do something even more radical: invite your friends over and set up a coworking space at home (at least once a week). The main thing is not to forget to work.




Working from home can be effective and productive if you use the right approaches and strategies. The strategies mentioned above are just a few of the key aspects that will help you maintain high productivity when working from home.

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