In today's digital world, where effective time management and productivity are an integral part of successful work, there are many tools and programs that offer assistance in these matters. One of them is Yaware.TimeTracker, a popular tool for monitoring working hours and analyzing productivity. However, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding this software.


So, in this article, we're going to take a look at 6 of the most common myths about Yaware.TimeTracker and bust them, providing clear information about the functionality and benefits of this tool. Whether you're an employer, a team leader, or just want to better manage your time, this article will help you understand what it really means to use Yaware.TimeTracker.


1. Continuous work 

Installing a time tracker does not prohibit you from taking short breaks from work: drinking coffee or talking to your colleagues about the weather, for example. Moreover, the program will help you find the balance between active productive work and rest. 


2. Lie detector 

Yaware.TimeTracker is designed specifically to increase employee productivity, not as a tool for finding little things to nitpick about an employee or a way to find reasons to fire them.


3. Neglecting quality

Some employees think that after installing a time tracker, their work will be evaluated only by time and it doesn't matter what quality the product will be. However, the goal of Yaware.TimeTracker is quite different – to increase not only the value of working time, but also the efficiency of its use. 


4. Lack of trust 

This myth is based on the idea that when a manager decides to implement a time tracker, he or she has ceased to trust their staff, doubting their professionalism. Yes, this is quite possible, but only if you feel that there are reasons for distrust. Otherwise, it's just a tool for business automation.


5. Attempt on privacy

This is probably the most common myth about time tracking programs. However, Yaware.TimeTracker does not read personal messages/information and is not designed to cross users' personal boundaries. Its purpose is to help organize workflows, use time properly, and improve productivity. 


6. Surveillance

This myth is mostly spread in companies where managers turn on the screenshot function, after which employees feel like they are under surveillance. But in fact, this feature is designed specifically to see which employees need help with a particular task they've been working on for a long time. 




So, in fact, Yaware.TimeTracker is a powerful tool for monitoring working hours and analyzing productivity, which can be useful for employers, team leaders, and individual employees. It allows you to collect objective data on time use, identify problem areas, and make appropriate adjustments to improve productivity.


Want to start using Yaware.TimeTracker? Sign up for an account right now

What's more, Yaware offers 14 days of free use so you can experience its functionality to the fullest!


Use only good time tracking software like Yaware.TimeTracker and you won't face any problems. Only solutions!

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