Yaware.TimeTracker is an innovative system designed to record the working time of employees. It provides automatic monitoring of the activities of employees on the computer, which allows managers of enterprises and companies to effectively manage resources and optimize work processes. The main purpose of this system is to increase the productivity and efficiency of work on tasks.


Yaware.TimeTracker helps the manager:

  • Evaluate computer performance
  • Monitor tardiness and other violations
  • Identify the best and worst employee
  • Supervise employees with flexible work schedules
  • Keep records of meetings and breaks
  • Assess the actual staff workload
  • Conduct remote control of personnel work
  • Calculate the wages of employees with hourly wages


Yaware.TimeTracker cares not only about companies, but also about their employees, so it will be useful:

  • as a company that wants to increase the productivity of its staff and, as a result, increase profits;
  • as well as an employee who seeks to increase his earnings and receive transparent reporting, a fair assessment of his efforts.


We have collected all the questions/answers about the Yaware.TimeTracker affiliate program and to find out – follow the link. We share some of them in the article:


What is the expiration date of my referral link?

The expiration date of the referral link is three months. Thereafter, the link will be deactivated. So if you have a customer who followed your link but during this period hadn’t registered – s/he can become a client of another partner if s/he follows that partner’s link and registers.


How does the Partnership Program work?

After you sign up for Yaware.TimeTracker partnership program, you will be assigned a unique code that will be added to all your affiliate links and banners’ HTML-codes.


You receive 20% of the payment from every customer that signed up for Yaware.TimeTracker using your link.


How can I find potential clients?

  1. If you have your own website or blog – place the Yaware.TimeTracker button or one of the suggested banners
  2. If you are an active blogger – write articles and comments about Yaware.TimeTracker with a link that includes your affiliate code (ID).
  3. If you communicate with CEO’s, HR managers, business owners, offer Yaware.TimeTracker as a related service. Moreover, you can offer a 10% discount to the customers that sign up for Yaware.TimeTracker using your coupon code.
  4. Where else to find customers for Yaware.TimeTracker? On thematic forums, social media, and conferences.


Contact us if you have ideas for joint promotion.


How are payments conducted and what are the conditions for them?

The minimum amount on the balance sheet for the payment of remuneration – 100 $ (equivalent of the currency in which payments were made by clients). To conduct the remuneration, please contact us. Within 1-2 days we will conduct the payment in a way that’s convenient for you.

We are working on automation of payments and will get in touch with you as soon as it’s possible.


How is the remuneration calculated if my customer uses a discount?

In this case your remuneration is accrued on the payment minus the discount.

E.g., your client signed up and bought 20 licenses for 6 months, using a 10% discount

The client payed: 20 licenses*6 months*$8-$48(5% discount) = $912
So, your remuneration is $912*10%= $91,2


If my client forgot to enter the coupon code when signing up, can I receive my remuneration?

Yes, if you know that the client signed up for Yaware.TimeTracker following your recommendation send us first, last name and his/her email. His/her account will be related to your partner account and you will receive the remunerations from the client’s purchases.


I found a potential client for Yaware.TimeTracker? What are my following actions?

You have to register the customer in Yaware.TimуTracker and link him/her to your account.

You can register a customer in the following ways:


  1. Affiliate link. Copy the link from the Partner’s account ( tab “Affiliate link”) and send it to the customer by email. The link contains your personal ID and a client who will follow this link to sign up will be automatically linked to your account.
  2. Coupon code. Ask the client to enter your coupon code when signing up for. How to receive a coupon code.
  3. Register the client in your Affiliate account. Select the tab Account > Add an account and fill out the required customer data. Then tell the client his/her login and password (later s/he can change the password).


Important! Your client will receive employee reports on the email that you specify during registration, so it is important that the client could access this email.


  1. If your client is already registered and forgot about the coupon code or a link – do not worry. Tell us his email and we’ll link his/her account to your affiliate account.
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