In today's world, where time is the most valuable resource, productivity and efficiency are two concepts that are usually used synonymously. In fact, these concepts have different meanings and are used to evaluate different aspects of work. So let's take a look at the difference between productivity and efficiency and how they are related.


What is productivity?

Productivity is a metric used to evaluate the performance of an employee, team, or company based on the number of products (goods and services) produced and the inputs (time or energy) required to produce them.


Productivity is relatively easy to measure, so many companies focus on it. Managers can determine employee productivity by measuring how many deliverables a team member completes in a given number of work hours.


What is efficiency?

Efficiency is the production of goods and services with the least amount of waste. In this situation, waste refers to many things, including time, materials, and money. While productivity measures how much a team member can do, efficiency focuses on how well the results were created.


High efficiency means accomplishing tasks with the least amount of resources. Inefficient workflows will lead to higher quality deliverables, but they can take longer than a high performance workflow.


What's the difference?

Productivity and efficiency are two concepts used to describe different aspects of work. Productivity refers to how efficiently a person works, what results they achieve, and how quickly they complete their tasks. Efficiency, on the other hand, refers to how well a person achieves their goals and objectives.


Productivity can be measured using various metrics, such as the number of tasks completed in a day, the number of hours spent on tasks, or the amount of product produced per unit of time. A productive person can accomplish many tasks in a short amount of time, but those tasks may not be very efficient.


Efficiency, on one hand, is measured by how well a person achieves their goals and objectives. This may mean that a person spends more time on a task but achieves more successful results. On the other hand, an efficient person may complete fewer tasks in a day, but those tasks will be more important and successful.


Productivity and efficiency are related, but they are not the same. A person can be very productive, but not very effective if they spend a lot of time on insignificant tasks. On the other hand, a person can be very efficient but not very productive if they spend a lot of time on one task.


To help your employees be more productive and efficient, use special software. For example, Yaware.TimeTracker is a simple and convenient tool for teams of any size and structure, designed specifically to increase productivity and efficiency.


With its help you will find out:

  • what time of day is the most productive for employees;
  • what resources employees use to complete a particular task;
  • how much time is spent on a task;
  • when there are difficulties in completing a task and help is needed;
  • what distracts employees and prevents them from moving forward.

In addition, Yaware offers 14 days of free use of the program so that you can experience its functionality to the fullest!



It's important to understand the differences between productivity and efficiency, as these metrics can affect your business success. And any company that aims to achieve high goals must be productive and efficient. So evaluate your performance against these two metrics to understand how you can improve your productivity and efficiency.

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