Hybrid work is a way of organizing workflow that allows employees to perform their work tasks both remotely and on-site, usually alternating between the two. This approach allows employees to have more flexibility in choosing where and how they work.


Benefits of a hybrid work schedule 

Among all the benefits of a hybrid work schedule, we've identified 3 main ones that you need to consider, regardless of the hybrid work schedule model (flexible, remote, or office-based) that your employees choose.  


Benefit №1: Improved work-life balance

By allowing employees to work from any location from time to time, hybrid work schedules help them to compensate for stress and easily schedule non-work activities during work hours. This is especially true for employees who have said goodbye to their daily commute after switching to a remote environment.


Benefit №2: Wide access to a pool of talent

Hybrid work schedules allow companies to expand their hiring pool and hire talent from all over the world. 


With a well-designed hybrid work plan that provides enough flexibility, companies can easily connect with the most qualified people and hire them. 


The ability to search for employees globally can also prove useful for companies looking to hire in an industry with a large talent shortage.


Benefit №3: Space for productive collaboration

The transition from a traditional office environment to a hybrid working model provides plenty of opportunities for companies. 


After all, the hybrid work format allows employees to manage their energy and productivity, which means they can work in a mode that best suits their internal rhythms and efficiency, without forced interruptions for travel or other external factors.


Thus, monthly meetings, brainstorming sessions, and team reviews can be held offline during business hours, leaving remote working hours exclusively for individual work and tasks that require a distraction-free environment.


The hybrid work format also has its drawbacks, including:

  • high risk of burnout;
  • data security issues;
  • complexity of management.


However, if you take into account a few tips on how to transition your employees to a hybrid work schedule, it will help your company work through the aforementioned disadvantages and reach the goal.


4 tips for implementing a hybrid work schedule

1. Set the main rules

To ensure that your workflows maintain the same level of transparency and efficiency as on office days, you need to set clear conditions in advance that must be met for working outside the office.


2. Choose your tools carefully 

Whether your employees prefer to work in the office or you've implemented a hybrid work schedule at a remote level, everyone should be able to collaborate effectively despite the physical distance. 


So start by choosing a reliable team chat app that will allow you and your colleagues to maintain an efficient workflow while allowing file sharing, fast video communication, and secure data storage. 


Also, to increase the transparency of your workflow, you can implement a time tracking tool that will allow you and your team to visualize the progress of tasks and stay up to date with the productivity of your colleagues.


Such a tool can be Yaware.TimeTracker – a simple and convenient time tracker for teams of any size and structure, designed specifically to increase productivity and having a number of advantages:

  • Automatic accounting – all statistics are automatically entered into a report card that can be viewed or downloaded to a computer for further data processing.
  • Efficiency analysis – the ability to see the real workload of teams, which will help you understand whether there is really a need for additional staff. 
  • Project and task management – the entire scope of planned work in one place, after which you can calculate the cost of tasks, hours of work, and assess how well the result paid off.
  • Personal statistics – an opportunity for employees to analyze their work independently.
  • Many visual graphs – the ability to analyze the work of employees in just a few minutes.


3. Think about performance evaluation 

To avoid increasing the pressure on your team members, try to set clear expectations and a transparent performance evaluation system from the start.


To do this, again, you can implement special project planning software to help you assign tasks and monitor their progress.


4. Always be in touch with your team

Give your team access to your calendar and encourage them to schedule meetings with you from time to time. 


This way, not only will you be able to give each team member your undivided focus and attention, but you'll also be able to get first-hand feedback and make timely adjustments when scheduling tasks and more.


Want to start using Yaware.TimeTracker? Sign up right now

In addition, Yaware offers 14 days of free use of the program so that you can experience its functionality to the fullest!

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