We spend so much time on screens, whether for school, work, or personal projects, we use computers and smartphones a lot, and our eyes are being affected. 

That's why it's essential to learn how to protect our eyes while still getting things done. This guide will help you do just that.


How to Boost Your Productivity While Avoiding Eye Strain

Spending so much time on screens hurts our eyes and can also make us less productive. Here are the steps to take care of your eyes while being productive:

1. Set up a Comfortable Workstation

Your workspace can help you be more productive, and it can also help keep your eyes healthy. 

Start by placing your computer screen at eye level and keeping it at arm's length. This can help prevent eye strain. 

A comfy workspace also includes a chair that supports your back and lets your feet rest flat on the floor, encouraging good posture, which is good for your overall health and productivity.

2. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule

The 20-20-20 rule is a great way to fight eye strain. So, how does this rule work? Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen for 20 seconds at something 20 feet away. 

This method relaxes your eye muscles and helps prevent computer vision syndrome, a problem caused by too much screen time.

3. Use Blue Light Filters

Our devices give off blue light, hurting our eyes if exposed for too long. Blue light filter apps or glasses can protect your eyes from this light. 

These tools can help reduce the blue light that gets to your eyes and provides better productivity as your eyes would not get so exhausted.

4. Adjust Display Settings

 The brightness, contrast, and text size of your screen can all cause eye strain. Adjust these settings to what feels most comfortable for you to avoid this. 

If your screen is too bright or dim, it can tire out your eyes and make you less productive.

5. Practice Eye Exercises

Daily eye exercises can help you stay focused and reduce eye strain. 

Exercises like rolling your eyes in different directions or switching focus between close and far objects can keep your eyes healthy. These exercises might seem small, but they can make a big difference.

6. Take Regular Breaks

Working without breaks might make you more productive, but it can do the opposite. If you work without breaks, you can burn out, and your productivity will drop. It's essential to take short breaks during your work day. 

These breaks give your mind and eyes a chance to rest and recharge, making you more productive when you return to work.

7. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water is vital for your overall health and is also crucial for your eyes. If you're dehydrated, your eyes can become dry, which can cause discomfort and make you less productive. 

Drinking enough water can help keep your eyes moist and prevent dry eye symptoms.

8. Adjust Lighting Conditions

The lighting in your workspace can affect your productivity and your eyes' comfort. Too much overhead light can create a glare on your screen, which can strain your eyes. 

To prevent this, arrange your workspace to minimize glare. You can also use soft lighting to make your workspace comfortable and easy on your eyes.

9. Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that can help you stay productive while giving your eyes regular breaks. 

So, how do you apply Pomodoro Technique? 

This method involves working for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break. After four cycles of this, take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes. This technique keeps you focused while also giving your eyes a break.

10. Invest in Proper Eyewear

If you need prescription glasses, ensure they're updated and suitable for computer use. Consider getting computer glasses with a coating to reduce glare and eye strain. These glasses are designed to make screen work easier on your eyes.

Before getting eyeglasses, make sure to consult your doctor or get your eyes checked by the best optometry services.

11. Maintain Proper Screen Distance

Keeping the proper distance between your eyes and the computer screen can prevent eye strain. 

Try to keep your screen about an arm's length away. This setup allows you to see the screen comfortably without straining your eyes.

12. Use Eye Drops

If your eyes often feel dry or irritated, lubricating eye drops can help. Keeping a bottle of these drops handy and using them as needed can keep your eyes moist and comfortable.

13. Practice the 10-10-10 Rule

The 10-10-10 rule, like the 20-20-20 rule, can help prevent eye strain and keep you productive. Every 10 minutes, take a 10-second break and look at something 10 feet away. 

This quick break can refresh your eyes and help prevent eye fatigue.

14. Maintain Proper Posture

Getting a comfortable chair is not enough. A good posture is essential when you're working. 

Sit straight, relax your shoulders, and make sure your eyes are level with your screen. Good posture can reduce strain on your eyes and muscles, helping you stay healthy and productive.

15. Limit Screen Time Outside Work

After a day of work, give your eyes a break from screens. Do things that don't involve screens, like reading a book, going outside, or doing a hobby that doesn't include digital devices. 

This workaround can rest your eyes and prepare them for the next day's screen time.

Boosting productivity without damaging your eyes

Getting things done is super important. But this shouldn't hurt our eyes. Too much screen time can make our eyes tired and uncomfortable, slowing us down. 

Using the simple and helpful tips listed above, you can ensure your work and eye health are taken care of. Caring for your eyes is a good step for your well-being and ability to do work. 

So, start making these eye-friendly daily habits, and experience a better balance between work and health. Your eyes will be grateful!


FAQs about boosting productivity without damaging eyes

Do computer glasses require a prescription?

No, you don't. You can get computer glasses with or without a prescription. If you already wear glasses, you can get computer glasses with your prescription. But even if you don't wear glasses, you can still benefit from non-prescription computer glasses with blue light filters.

Can I boost productivity without taking breaks?

Actually, working without breaks can make you less productive over time. Taking regular breaks helps you stay focused and avoid burnout, and keeps you productive in the long run. Short breaks give your mind and your eyes a chance to rest, which improves your focus when you get back to work.

Can eye strain affect concentration?

Yes, eye strain can make it hard to focus. Tired eyes can make it hard to concentrate on your work. Eye strain can also cause headaches, blurred vision, and focus problems. Taking regular breaks and taking care of your eyes can help reduce eye strain and improve your focus.


Author bio:

Over 20 years ago Daniel “Dan” Ward founded Budget Eyewear Browns Plains. Now trading as Eyeselect at Grand Plaza and Forest Lake Shopping Centre we are an accredited Optometrist team delivering a high stand of service to our patients. Under his expertise, experience and guidance his team has delivered quality eye care with tangible results for many years to our customers.

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