When schedules are always jam-packed with various tasks, it's important to be productive and use your working time efficiently. However, we can often lack awareness of how we spend our time, and as a result, we can lose a lot of valuable time to unproductive activities. This is where a time tracker comes in, a tool that helps you keep track of time and improve productivity. 


So in this article, we'll take a look at how to use a time tracker to increase your productivity.


What is a time tracker and how does it work?

A time tracker is a tool that allows you to record how you spend your time. It can be a program on your smartphone or computer, or a physical device such as a notepad or a folder with sheets. The main idea is to regularly enter information about your activities and the time spent on each of them.


Set a goal and prioritize 

Before you start using a time tracker, it's important to set a specific goal. What exactly do you want to achieve by using this tool? It could be to increase productivity, manage time effectively, identify unproductive habits, etc. Once the goal is set, you can prioritize the tasks you want to monitor. 


Start monitoring your time

Once you've set your goal and priorities, you can start keeping track of your time with a time tracker, the key is to choose a really good tool. For example, Yaware.TimeTracking. It is a simple and convenient tool for teams of any size and structure, designed specifically to increase employee productivity.


With its help, you will find out:

  • what time of day is the most productive for employees;
  • what resources employees use to complete a particular task;
  • how much time is spent on a task;
  • when there are difficulties in completing a task and help is needed;
  • what distracts employees and prevents them from moving forward.


Analyze the data 

By analyzing the data collected with a time tracker, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses in time management. Take a look at how you usually spend your time, identify unproductive habits or tasks that take up a lot of time and draw conclusions. Based on these findings, you can take steps to improve your productivity.


Set modes and limits 

We're not talking about strict restrictions, but rather something else entirely. For example, you can set time limits for certain tasks or create a list of certain distractions, such as social media, so that the app can block them or identify them as unproductive time. It's important to keep an eye on these metrics and stick to them to ensure maximum productivity.


Don't forget about self-improvement and development

Don't forget that using a time tracker is a process of continuous improvement. You should try different approaches, analyze the results, and make adjustments to your plans and schedule. Remember that every person is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Try different strategies and experiment to find the approach that best suits your needs.



Using a time tracker can be a powerful tool for increasing your productivity at work. It helps you to be aware of the time you spend and allows you to identify and eliminate unproductive habits. By analyzing the data collected with a time tracker, you can take steps to improve your productivity. Remember that a time tracker is just a tool, and success depends on your desire and effort to change your habits and manage your time more effectively.

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