Do you often face the fact that you don't want to do anything, give up and have a pessimistic view on everything? How to get rid of it, where to draw inspiration and how to stay productive? 


In this regard, we have prepared some useful tips for you:


Communicate and unite with other people 

It is often said: if you want to do something well – do it yourself. However, sometimes each of us needs someone who could suggest, advise or even inspire. People are social beings, capable of doing incredible things, but sometimes our individual capabilities are limited. And if we look back at the greatest achievements of mankind in history, we can conclude that they happened when people combined their resources and worked together. 


Simplify your life

Enjoy yourself not only on holidays, but even on usual weekdays. For example, instead of cooking dinner, try ordering delivery once a week. This will save a couple of hours of your free time for sleep and rest. At least trying to simplify your life is the first step that will give you resources for inspiration.


Plan pleasant things

You can give yourself strength by doing your favorite things that bring pleasure. Make a list of such things and plan at least some of them for the next week or month.


Set goals

The goal can relate to any area: work, home, family or self-improvement. The main thing is that you are sincerely passionate about it. Find out what you need to implement: find out information about those who have already achieved such a goal and what qualities helped them in this. Decompose the goal into steps necessary to achieve it. And do not forget to listen to yourself and what you want!

Remember,  the journey begins with the first step: don't be afraid to start. Be consistent in your actions and do not jump over your head. Achieving a big goal is a difficult task that requires a lot of time, patience and effort. 


Develop creativity

If you decide to brainstorm – bring the number of ready ideas up to 10 instead of 5-6. Maybe some of them will not be as successful as others, but it will help to find new ways to achieve the goal and start thinking in a new way.


Evaluate your achievements

Evaluate your achievements by comparing yourself today with yourself yesterday. Do not devalue your actions, but on the contrary – realize how far you have come and what you have achieved. You can even make notes: write in a diary, leave stickers on the monitor or on the refrigerator door. This will give you faith in success and allow you to achieve real heights in solving complex problems.


Use Yaware.TimeTracker

Yaware.TimeTracker is an automatic time tracking and performance evaluation system that allows you to keep track of time with minimal interference in the employee's personal space. 


With Yaware, you will know:

  • the duration of your employees' meetings, conferences, and breaks;
  • the level and uniformity of the workload of employees in the team;
  • resources used by employees to complete tasks;
  • the reasons for pushed deadlines and overtime;
  • distractions that prevent employees from moving forward;
  • when performing a task, what difficulties have arisen and what help is needed.


Do not stop – try yourself in new areas, do not be afraid of big tasks and enjoy yourself with pleasant little things!


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