Remote work has become the norm for many people since the pandemic. Thanks to this work format, you have the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world and at any time that suits you. However, remote working can present some challenges, one of which is prioritization. If you are looking for tips on how to prioritize tasks while working remotely, then this article may be useful for you


1. Create a list of tasks

The first step to prioritizing is to create a task list. But first, you need to identify critical tasks by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Is it either very important or urgent?
  • Does it directly affect your customers?
  • Is it the main source of revenue for your business?
  • Does it affect other business tasks and processes?

Then write down all the tasks you need to complete during the day or week. This will help you keep everything under control and not forget about important tasks.


2. Set deadlines for completion

The second step is to set deadlines for each task. If you have deadlines, they should be the first on the list. If there are no deadlines, then determine which tasks are the most important ones and need to be completed immediately.


3. Estimate the complexity of the tasks

The next step is to estimate the complexity of the tasks. Some tasks may take more time and effort than others. Accordingly, they should be completed first to free up time for less complex tasks. 


4. Plan your day and set project deadlines

After making a list of tasks and identifying the most important ones, you can plan your day. Determine how much time you're going to spend on each task and what hours are best for you to complete the work. Plan your time in such a way as to complete the most important and difficult tasks first.

It's also important to set deadlines for working on them. The ultimate goal is to meet these deadlines or complete the task ahead of schedule. 

This approach is especially needed for those who work remotely with flexible hours. In addition, it is better to utilize digital tools and technologies for your work schedule.


5. Use tools to manage tasks

Also, don't forget to use task management tools in your work. Especially since today there are a lot of online tools that can help you organize your tasks and set priorities. 


In order to complete priority tasks on time and with maximum business benefit, we recommend using special software to monitor your working hours. 

A time tracker will help you focus on the tasks that are really important. If you know how much time you spend on each task, you can easily determine which ones need more attention and priority.

In addition, a time tracker helps you to be more productive. When you know that you are in control of your time, you challenge yourself to be more efficient. This can be a good incentive for you to focus on tasks that really need your attention.

And in general, a time tracker can help you be more organized. When you keep track of your working hours, you can easily create a schedule for yourself, plan your day, and identify tasks that need more attention and which can be completed faster.


Try implementing Yaware.TimeTracker – a simple and convenient time tracker for teams of any size and structure, designed specifically to monitor working hours, increase productivity, and improve results.


In addition, Yaware offers 14 days of free use of the program so you can experience its functionality to the fullest!

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