If you are already returning to work from the office, or even just planning to – this article is definitely for you.


We have prepared several important tips that will help you smoothly return to the office. Here they are:


1. Make a new schedule for the day

You will no longer be able to wake up at 8:59 a.m. to open your laptop and “be in the office” at 9:00 a.m. This will be replaced by morning rituals and the drive to the office, which can take quite a long time. So be prepared to wake up earlier now. It's not easy, so we recommend starting this procedure at least a week before returning to the office.


2. Give yourself and your employees time to adapt

If you worked completely remotely, time for adaptation is simply necessary. The rhythm of the day, the environment, breaks, meetings – many things will be different.


And that's ok. You shouldn't expect yourself to be 100% productive from the start, and you shouldn't expect your colleagues to be. It is possible that some people will be somewhat dissatisfied with the new, or rather the old format of work, so you need to be patient. However, feel free to openly discuss tips for returning to the office. So you may find that your colleagues also have some interesting ways of coping with the new reality.


3. Create a comfortable working space

As far as company policy allows, you should design your workspace the way you like it, so you can work comfortably and adapt more quickly. After all, you will spend many hours at your desk, and turning it into your little “home away from home” can do wonders for your productivity and well-being in the workplace.


4. Focus on the positive

Returning to the office also brings positivity, because in the office:

  • you can connect with colleagues and help combat the feeling of isolation that comes with working from home;
  • brainstorming is more exciting and help is more accessible;
  • it helps to establish clear boundaries between work and home – work tasks remain behind the door, in the office;
  • often better equipment – an extra monitor, a more comfortable chair, a large number of necessary stationery, etc., and this can also improve your daily working conditions.


5. Track your performance patterns

Returning to the office, the productivity of employees will change somewhat. Whether it's due to a new schedule or other factors, you'll need to adjust your team's work to keep up with the project schedule.


Using dedicated time tracking software such as Yaware.TimeTracker, you can see:

  • what time of day is most productive for you and employees;
  • what resources employees use to perform a specific task;
  • how much time is spent on the task;
  • when there are difficulties in performing a task and you need help;
  • which distracts and prevents moving forward.


You can use this information to better understand how to make the most of the hours you spend in the office with your colleagues.


Want to start using Yaware.TimeTracker? Sign up right now

Moreover, Yaware offers 14 days of free use of the program so that you can experience its functionality to the fullest!


Anxiety is often scarier than reality, so keep an open mind and you'll soon learn to appreciate the benefits of working side-by-side with your team. However, by following the tips for returning to work from the office mentioned in this article, you can make the most of the opportunity and return to productive work.


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