Project risks are events or conditions that can affect the successful completion of a project. Risk management is a necessary component of any project to achieve its goals and minimize negative consequences.

So, today we will talk about the 4 main risks and how to avoid them:


Unplanned expenses 

The risk of unplanned expenses is one of the most common. Unexpected expenses, changes in exchange rates and delays in payments can lead to budget overruns and threaten the project's financial health. This is usually due to a poor estimate of the project cost and scope.


How to avoid this?

To manage financial risks, you should carefully calculate the budget, take into account possible changes, and create reserve funds. Create a detailed list of each project task (and its cost) using a work breakdown structure. This will help you create a much more accurate project budget.


Project delays 

In reality, project delays are hard to avoid. 

But why do they happen? It's hard to pinpoint, but here are some possible reasons:  

  • Someone didn't fulfill their role or took too long to fulfill it.
  • The project time estimate was not objective. 
  • External risks that you can't control – or a client who doesn't complete their task on time, etc.


How to avoid this?

  1. Overestimate the time you need to complete tasks to give yourself enough room.
  2. Add time for unforeseen events that are beyond your control (for example, if the client doesn't do what you agreed with them).
  3. Create project schedules to visually monitor progress. 
  4. Keep track of the time you spend on project tasks. 


To do this, you should use good software, such as Yaware.TimeTracker. It is a software solution aimed at monitoring and analyzing the time spent on work tasks. This tool helps both individuals and entire companies manage time effectively and achieve greater productivity.


Yaware offers to use the program for 14 days free of charge so that you and your employees can experience its functionality to the fullest, and only then make a decision to purchase a license!  


Not enough resources

Resource utilization risk occurs when you underestimate the amount of resources you will need to implement a project. It can include people, materials, or budget.

A lack of resources can lead to delays, cost overruns, and a decrease in the overall quality of the project. It can force you to make tough decisions about what to prioritize and what to eliminate to stay on track.


How to avoid this?

Before starting a project, create a detailed resource allocation plan that reflects the team's resource utilization while supporting the overall project goals.


Low team productivity

No matter how well you plan your project, if your team is not at peak performance, the project is likely to fail.


How to avoid this?

Keep in constant communication with the team, as this is important at any stage of the project. This way, you will be able to find out about existing problems in time and provide support in a timely manner.

Clearly formulate and communicate the goals and desired results of the project to team members. This comes down to proper workload management and a clear work schedule for employees. 


Yaware.TimeTracker can help you with this as well, as it will help you find out:

  • what time of day is the most productive for your employees;
  • what resources employees use to perform a particular task;
  • how much time is spent on a task;
  • when there are difficulties in completing a task and help is needed;
  • what distracts employees and prevents them from moving forward, etc.


Want to start using Yaware.TimeTracker? Sign up for an account right now



Managing project risks is a complex and ongoing process that requires attention to detail, effective communication, and flexibility in problem solving. Although risks cannot be avoided completely, with proper planning, analysis, and timely response, they can be minimized and ensure the successful completion of the project.

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