Time is money. The growth of your business depends on how your employees spend their working time. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the working hours of employees, especially since today there are many tools for this. These tools allow you to better allocate your time, increase productivity and achieve your goals.


Let's take a look at the important benefits of time tracking tools and their impact on personal and professional development.


1. Manual time keeping

This is one of the easiest ways to monitor employee hours for startups and small businesses. Maintaining manual timekeeping and calculating vacation, payroll, etc. is no problem if you only have a few employees.


However, as your company grows, pen and paper become ineffective for storing all of your data. In this process, you may encounter inconvenience.


Most likely, eventually you will end up with mountains of papers and ledgers, and it will be difficult to keep all the records. This can make it possible to manipulate information and make mistakes that lead to incorrect payroll calculations, etc.


2. Electronic tables

Time tracking should save time, not the other way around, so spreadsheets have become more popular. Time Tracking Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel are the most popular spreadsheets where employees can enter their start and shift end times.


However, here  you may encounter some limitations too:

  • you cannot get 100% accurate data, because employees manually fill in the tables, which increases the probability of making mistakes;
  • this method is not suitable for calculating the working time of teams, since each report can be performed by one employee;
  • time monitoring using spreadsheets is good for small teams, it is not suitable for large enterprises.


3. Time monitoring tools

One of the main advantages of time tracking tools is the ability to save this valuable resource. This applies to both work and personal life. With the help of tools such as time tracking software, people can determine exactly what their time is spent on and where they can save time and avoid unnecessary expenses.


Another important benefit of time monitoring tools is the ability to improve productivity. When you know exactly what your time is spent on, you can plan your tasks and prioritize more effectively. Time monitoring helps to avoid spreading energy and attention on less important matters, directing them to important tasks.


Each of the above-mentioned methods has its own drawbacks, and this method is no exception:

  • Many employees fear being tracked and have privacy concerns. If they don't want to use time tracking apps, it leads to a decrease in productivity.
  • With thousands of time tracking software on the market, finding the best option for your company can be difficult.
  • It is most suitable for desktop work. If you have a mobile team, you need more.


In order for the implementation of the time monitoring program to go well, it is necessary to:

  • prepare employees for the implementation of new software in their work;
  • find really good software.


With the 2nd point, we can help you right now. Try Yaware.TimeTracker, a simple and convenient tool for teams of all sizes and structures, designed specifically to improve productivity.


With its help you will learn:

  • what time of day is most productive for employees;
  • what resources employees use to perform a specific task;
  • how much time is spent on the task;
  • when there are difficulties in performing a task and you need help;
  • which distracts employees and prevents them from moving forward.


Want to start using Yaware.TimeTracker? Sign up now

What's more, Yaware offers 14 days of free use of the program so you can experience its functionality to the fullest!



The employee hours tracking score is fantastic. Every method, from pen and paper to apps, is vital in monitoring and managing employees.


If you have a distributed team consisting of office, remote, and field employees, Yaware.TimeTracker may be the best fit for you.

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