time and attendance software

Internet has to an extent turned our lives upside down. It has totally changed the way we get information, communicate, do our shopping and, in many cases, work. Definitely, it would be difficult to go on without the Net, and almost everyone considers it one of the greatest inventions of humanity. However, for some businesses, employee Internet abuse has become a problem they’re having hard times struggling with.
Employers try blocking Internet access wherever it is not absolutely necessary or at least limit access to social networks and entertainment websites. This is to make sure their employees are directly attending to their duties in the workplace. However, the effect is frequently the opposite.
So, probably time to try the other way around? As the saying goes, “If you can’t fight it, join it”. You can make Internet your partner and use its power to track the employee work time by adopting time and attendance software.

What you can learn from time and attendance software?

Using this software, you will get exhaustive information about each of your staff members on the following points:

  • time of arrival and leaving;
  • total hours worked;
  • number and duration of breaks;
  • the use of Internet;
  • the use of computer software;
  • productivity estimate.

All of this is totally automated, meaning you don’t need to remind your staff members to fill in any timesheets, punch in/out or even switch the software on/off. It starts and ends its work along with the computer and excludes the human factor altogether.

Key benefits of time and attendance tracking

Saving time and resources

Think of the time and efforts you spend to keep your hand on the pulse of your company's activities. With the time and attendance software, 10 to 20 minutes a day will be enough to be well aware of what’s going on.

Transparent payroll and bonuses

By integrating your time tracker with the accounting software, or even by simply using its data, calculating payroll will become much easier and virtually error-free. Similarly, identifying most productive employees and rewarding them is totally objective and transparent with this type of software, as well as overtime and other payment calculations.

Simple schedule keeping

Your employees combine work in the office and outside from it? Some of them work part time or take frequent leaves? Keeping track of their schedule with the attendance software will make things easy. You will see exactly how much time a person spent at the office, how long he/she was absent and for what reason (work related or not) and when they left for home.

Monitoring and improving work discipline

If your employees work fixed hours, you can track their punctuality by making the corresponding settings in your time tracking tool. This way, you’ll receive daily reports on who was late for work or left earlier – the discipline is sure to get better very soon.

Minimizing distractions

Employees will surely behave themselves when aware their time on the Net is being tracked. This helps tame the use of all non-work related resources, as well as multiple coffee-breaks while not taking any abrupt measures.

Tracking the work of remote employees and freelancers

Web-based solutions like Yaware.TimeTracker, collect the data using Internet and save it in the cloud. Therefore, your software isn’t physically limited to the office only. Employees and freelancers can easily access their accounts from home or other computers. This enables you to control whether they stay on task and see their progress thanks to the screenshot option. This way, you can be sure the billable time is counted to the minute and you pay only for work.

Controlling employees when not in the office

For bosses travelling a lot, keeping track of all their employees' activities is no more a problem. Internet access is the only condition for seeing what’s going on in the office or multiple offices in different locations, anytime. Thanks to mobile apps and email reports, it’s a breeze.


Obviously, with the right approach and tools you can make Internet a big friend of your business. However, implementing time and attendance software isn’t the kind of decisions made on a whim. Therefore, if you’re interested, use your chance to try Yaware.TimeTracker for free without any obligations. You register your account, we provide a 14-day trial for an unlimited number of employees and full feature package. Deal?

Ready to start using time and attendance software?

Start your free 14 day trial

Effective timetracking on the computer

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