time tracking system

Today, the number of companies using time tracking systems is growing in geometrical progression. The perspective of having the employees’ work monitored, hours counted and productivity evaluated without any external interference needed and virtually no efforts for maintenance sounds good to any business owner. Moreover, a time tracking app like Yaware.TimeTracker is reportedly helpful in boosting employee productivity and improving work discipline. This is just a short list of reasons explaining the strong demand for time tracker tools.
However, the decision to start using a time tracking system in a company doesn’t come easy. It means certain alterations in the workflow, a period of adaptation and, as practice shows, is usually met with hostility by the staff members.
To ease the process of a time tracker implementation, we compiled a set of easy to follow rules and procedures which will help to make it your friend from the start.

1. Explain why time tracking is important and what are its benefits

In the majority of cases, employees aren’t happy with the idea of being controlled by the time tracker. But it is because they see only one side of the issue. Explaining the benefits it will bring them can totally tip the scale in favour of the time tracker:

  • it allows working from home
  • it can help introduce flexible schedule in the company
  • it ensures fair and transparent compensation
  • it is a means of eliminating distractions and the chance to get home on time

2. State what is the purpose of implementing a time tracking system

The blank, “I need to monitor what you’re doing on your computers” won’t do. Set the objective that is hard to achieve or, at least, track the progress without a time tracker. For instance, increasing productivity by n percent, or reducing the number of late arrivals. Think of the goals that will be beneficial for employees as this will be an excellent motivation to accept the time tracker as a friend.

3. Provide only necessary level of access to employees’ statistics

As a company head, you should be able to view the performance of anyone in your company. But a department head doesn’t need the access to stats of employees from the departments other than his own. Similarly, an HR manager doesn’t necessarily have to view the top management stats, and so on.

4. Include the use of a time tracker as a company policy obligatory for everyone

Some employees may persist in objecting to having their time monitored. That is why you may need to make it an order that this software should be used in the workplace.

5. Educate managers to set the right example

Managers who supervise other employees have the biggest influence upon them. Therefore, make sure they understand the importance of using time tracking system and know how to do it. Demonstrating their own example may be the most effective means of changing the attitude of other team members. They also need to encourage and guide their subordinates and be ready to answer the questions that inevitably turn up.

6. Control the implementation process

A few weeks following the introduction of a new tool are crucial for making its use a habit. Therefore, you need to keep the process under control. It will require patience and probably spending more time analyzing the statistics than average. You need to make sure everyone understands how the time tracker works and how to use it correctly (for instance, discuss the acceptable limit of unproductive time per day, configure the productivity of resources depending on the department/position, etc.).

7. Assign the person responsible for the implementation

If there’s no one accountable for the project, the project is doomed. Therefore, it is vital that someone should have it as their responsibility to ensure that everything goes its way, and all issues are handled timely.

8. Demonstrate how the gathered data is used

Struggling with employees incredulity as to time tracker being anything other than the “spy” is possible by showing how you actually analyze and use the data received. For example, productivity estimate enables rewarding the most efficient/disciplined employee or even organizing a sort of competition between departments based on this data. It will also serve as a means of motivation for employees and help build a closer relationship within the team.

9. Track and inform employees about the progress

If you did state the key objective of implementing a time tracker in your company, don’t let it be forgotten. Measure the state of things at the start and keep track of the progress, plus make sure your employees are aware of it. Every percent of productivity growth should be acknowledged and celebrated to fuel the desire to achieve more.

10. Share best practices from your experience

As a boss, demonstrating that you’re on even terms with all other employees and track your time just as they do will be the best incentive for them to go on. Moreover, you can share your findings and useful info on making the most out of your time tracker. It will help to build trust and break the barrier between you and them.
These are just the basic recommendations that are drawn from practice. But if you do make your decision in favour of tracking work time in your company, they will come in handy. Meanwhile, you can try out Yaware.TimeTracker and its effectiveness. Taking into account it is free and very fast (just create your account), you’re losing nothing, but potential gains are quite impressive.

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Effective timetracking on the computer

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