time tracking software and freelancers' productivity

Hiring a freelancer or a couple of them is a great way to outsource part of the work that does not require specific qualifications or resources and free up the time of in-house employees for more important activities.
As well as the use of time tracking service is essential for in-house work, it is also important for freelancing too.
Time tracking services help companies stay connected with their remote employees, as well as increase their productivity and face some of the following challenges

The challenges freelancers face if working from home

Working from home can be tough both for those who are just starting their freelancing career and even for professionals.  
Most freelancers choose their home to be a workplace, but few of them set up a separate “office” within it.
Not having a proper workplace means more distractions. E.g., for the kids it means that one is always available to play. Working at home in general means constant availability.
Another thing, freelancing requires a certain amount of mental strength. Like being able to force oneself to remain the ritual of getting ready for work, or stay focused, and not distract for too frequent tea or coffee breaks.

How time tracking service can help

Use of time tracking service is beneficial both for the freelancer and the employer.
While time tracking is not a mandatory thing if you hire a freelancer just for a single project, it is important if you’re going to build long term partnership.
From manager’s side, time tracking service gives the opportunity to visualize the work of the remote employee. Being able to check the work of an employee that is thousands of miles away from you is pretty awesome, isn’t it?
You get to find out how many hours a day employee works, which websites and software s/he uses and how it influences productivity.
This way you can estimate the efficiency of work and give feedback to improve freelancer’s workflow.
And using Yaware.TimeTracker you give your freelancer an opportunity to beat some of the challenges related to home-based working. Not only you get reports about working time, but so does s/he.
Using the personal report a freelancer can analyze his/her software and Internet use, see the percentage of unproductive time, time spent away from the computer. So, time tracking software helps to stay on track and productive.


Time tracking service is essential not only for increasing the productivity of in-house employees. It is also efficient even if there are thousands of miles between you and the employee. So, get started today!

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Effective timetracking on the computer

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