Yaware.TimeTracker vs Clockify
What Is Clockify
Clockify is software for tracking productivity, attendance, and billable hours team. Works only in overt mode, offers 5 reports for productivity analysis.
What Is Yaware.TimeTracker?
Yaware.TimeTracker is a program for monitoring working time, productivity analysis, and automated accounting of working time office and remote employees. Works in covert and overt mode, generates 19 reports for productivity analysis.
Is it possible to edit the time recorded by the program?
In Clockify you can influence the time (edit or add).
In Yaware TimeTracker, you can only add time if the employee did not work at a computer, or was in an offline meeting. In this case, it is necessary to comment on what tasks were performed during this time.
Webcam snapshots and Screenshots
You may need webcam snapshots and screenshots to see how employees spend their time. Yaware TimeTracker offers both functions, screenshots can be taken automatically, for example, once every minute. Clockify does not have a webcam snapshots feature, and screenshots can be taken every 5 minutes.
Automatic start of monitoring
One of the features of Yaware TimeTracker is the automatic start/stop of time monitoring. Your employees do not need to worry, because all the time they spent at work will be taken into account by the tracker. In Clockify, this feature is not automatically configured.
What sites or programs do employees use while working?
Unlike Clockify, Yaware TimeTracker specifies the program name and site URL. So it is possible to analyze in detail what exactly the employee was doing at any time.