Dismissing employees is an unpleasant and costly process. But this happens and here's why: because of the employee's dissatisfaction with the salary, lack of opportunities for development, loss of meaning in work and lack of autonomy.


Yes, this is a really big problem for every manager, but special software, for example, Yaware.TimeTracker, can help here. The program allows staff to see personal statistics and analyze their work. In addition, it greatly simplifies the manager's life: he can analyze the working day of the entire office and each employee separately, monitor the performance of tasks, download ratings of employees on productivity, tardiness, time worked – and all in one office.


So let's take a look at exactly how this tool can help companies avoid layoffs and improve workflow efficiency.


Understanding the efficiency of working hours

One of the key strengths of Yaware.TimeTracker is its ability to provide detailed information on exactly how employees spend their work time. This allows management to get a real picture of performance and identify potential problems.


Identification of weak points and inconsistencies in tasks

With Yaware.TimeTracker, you can easily identify which tasks are taking longer than expected and identify possible discrepancies between the allocated tasks and their actual implementation. This is important for timely adjustment of work processes and avoidance of dismissals due to non-compliance with the requirements of the position.


Stimulation of productivity and self-management

Yaware.TimeTracker can also serve as a tool to boost employee productivity. From information about how well they perform their duties, a system of rewards and incentives can be derived, which has a positive effect on the motivation and involvement of personnel.


Remote work monitoring

The use of Yaware.TimeTracker becomes especially relevant in conditions of remote work, when it is difficult to monitor the working time and efficiency of employees. The system allows you to receive objective information about the activity and productivity of work, which helps to maintain a high level of productivity, even when the team works from different locations.


Increasing the efficiency of resource management

Using Yaware.TimeTracker allows businesses to efficiently allocate working time and resources. This is especially important for companies that face limited budgets and need to optimize their operations as much as possible.


Want to start using Yaware.TimeTracker but hesitate? Try using the program for 14 days for free to experience its functionality to the full!



Yaware.TimeTracker is a tool that can significantly facilitate the management of working time, increase productivity and prevent employee dismissal. Thanks to its functionality, enterprises can respond more quickly to changes in market conditions and ensure stable development.


Let Yaware.TimeTracker become your reliable ally in solving work time management tasks and increasing the efficiency of your business.

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