Today, most work processes have moved to an online environment, so monitoring the use of the Internet and Internet resources by employees has become an important task for many companies. Ensuring data security, maintaining professional ethics and efficient use of working time are just a few reasons why monitoring is a necessary element of corporate governance.


In this article, we'll look at why it's important to monitor your employees' Internet use and online activity, and how to do it properly.


Benefits of monitoring employee Internet usage

One of the main benefits of monitoring internet usage is keeping company data secure. Employees have access to a large amount of information, and uncontrolled use of it can lead to the leakage of confidential information. So monitoring allows you to identify and prevent possible threats to data security.


Another important advantage of monitoring is the ability to observe the working hours of employees and avoid their distraction to personal affairs, social networks and online entertainment. This improves productivity as employees focus on completing their work tasks.


Companies have the right to set rules for the use of the Internet in the workplace, as well as to monitor compliance with them. Therefore, monitoring helps ensure compliance with the company's professional and ethical standards and prevent unacceptable actions by employees.


Best ways to measure employee Internet use

We've already found that monitoring employees' Internet use during the workday is important. Now you may be wondering how to properly monitor employee online activity.


Some companies completely restrict Internet use, some Introduce employee monitoring tools, and some prohibit access to certain websites on their server.


Let's discuss each of these strategies and choose the best option:


Rejection of the Internet

This is absolutely absurd. Although managers in some manufacturing companies restrict employees from using the Internet to improve productivity, this restriction applies only to production workers. Operational workers still need to use this resource for greater efficiency.


Banning of certain websites

During the working day, employees can visit Youtube or other websites. They might only spend 5 or 10 minutes on it, but once they start watching some short video or interesting ad, those 5 minutes turn into 1-2 hours. Because of this, companies decide to ban certain websites.


Employee monitoring tool

Fortunately, the development of technology makes it possible to keep track of employees' working hours. These tools will give you all the information you need about your staff's Internet usage.


These employee monitoring systems can be used for both internal and remote employees. Thanks to the monitoring tools, you will be able to track the level of employee productivity, start and end times of the working day, project management, schedule management, time reporting system, and more.


We have the right solution – Yaware.TimeTracker

Yaware is a software solution for monitoring the time and productivity of both full-time and remote employees. This system helps companies measure, analyze and optimize the use of working time by employees in order to increase productivity and work efficiency.


With its help you will learn:

  • what time of day is most productive for your employees;
  • what resources (websites) employees use to perform tasks;
  • how much time is spent on the task;
  • when there are difficulties in performing a task and you need help;
  • which distracts employees and prevents them from moving forward.


Want to start using Yaware.TimeTracker? Sign up now

What's more, Yaware offers 14 days of free use of the program so you can experience its functionality to the fullest!


Employee performance monitoring can be a useful tool for companies, but it is important to implement it with care and with consideration for the rights and privacy of employees to maintain a balance between control and trust.

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