In today's dynamic world, where productivity and efficient use of time are key success factors, time tracking systems are becoming indispensable assistants for businesses and freelancers. Yaware.TimeTracker is one of the most powerful time management tools that allows you to automate the workflow, track offline activity and optimize work tasks. In this article, we'll take a look at how to get started with Yaware.TimeTracker and how to effectively use its features to improve your productivity.


Installation of the Yaware.TimeTracker service

The first step on the way to using Yaware.TimeTracker is to install the service. The installation process is quite simple and includes several main stages:


  1. Register

The free trial period lasts for 14 days. During this time, you can switch an unlimited number of times between different Yaware.TimeTracker plans, which differ among themselves in the set of functionality. To start working and use the Yaware.TimeTracker service, you need to register on the website.


To do this, fill out a short form, indicating your first and last name, e-mail, phone (for help in installing and configuring the service).


  1. Install Yaware and add employees

After registration, you will get to your personal account. Here you can download the Yaware client, and then install it on all computers that you want to monitor using the service.


*Before installation, specify in which operating mode you will use Yaware.TimeTracker: open or hidden.


Choose the installation method convenient for you:

  • download Yaware.TimeTracker to a flash drive and install it on each computer;
  • send download links to employees by email;
  • instruct your system administrator to install Yaware.TimeTracker over the network.


  1. Group employees by department

Combine employees into groups according to the departments, branches, units in which they work. Appoint managers who will have access to information about their group and can thus analyze the performance of the staff.



  • give the head of the department access to the employees of his department only;
  • to the head of the branch — to all branches entrusted to him, etc.
  • This will allow delegating the authority to control employees to managers at different levels of management.


  1. Set monitoring settings
  • Set the monitoring schedule: around the clock or at specific hours.
  • Configure for each group of employees the productivity of their use of certain programs and sites (depending on professional duties).
  • Activate additional Functions:
    • offline activity — for recording the time of meetings, meetings, breaks;
    • screenshots — to see what employees are directly doing at the computer, how work on the project is progressing;
    • pictures from a web camera — to control the presence of outsiders in the office;
    • email reports to employees with information about their productivity, etc.


  1. Choose a method of information analysis

You can analyze data on personnel productivity online in your personal account or receive reports by email: on certain days / every day / week / month.


Reports will show you:

  • the total amount of time worked, as well as its productivity;
  • applications / sites most often used by your employees;
  • resources that need to be categorized (by default, they are neutral and unknown in the group).


Main functions of Yaware.TimeTracker

After installing and configuring the service, you can start using all the advantages of Yaware.TimeTracker. The main functions of the service include:


Time tracker for freelancers

For freelancers working on multiple projects at the same time, Yaware.TimeTracker is an indispensable tool. The time tracker allows you to track the time spent on each project and create detailed reports for clients. This allows freelancers to accurately measure their performance and ensure transparency in their relationships with clients.


Offline activity

Yaware.TimeTracker also allows you to track offline activity. If you work without internet access or are busy with offline tasks such as meetings or calls, you can manually add these activities to the system. This ensures full accounting of working hours, regardless of the method of work.


Analysis of work efficiency

One of the key functions of Yaware.TimeTracker is the analysis of work efficiency. The system collects data on time spent on various tasks and projects and provides detailed performance reports. This allows users to identify inefficient areas, optimize work processes and increase productivity.


Monitoring using the service

Yaware.TimeTracker provides a real-time monitoring service. This allows team leaders to see how their employees use their working time and react quickly to deviations from the planned schedule. This approach ensures high discipline and increases the overall efficiency of the team.


Workflow automation with Yaware.TimeTracker

Yaware.TimeTracker not only helps you track time, but also helps automate your workflow. Some of the capabilities that automation provides include:


Collection of time data

The system automatically collects data about the time spent on various tasks and applications. This allows users to focus on their work without the distraction of manual timekeeping. The collected data is stored in the form of reports that can be viewed and analyzed at any time.


Integration with other tools

Yaware.TimeTracker supports integration with many popular project management tools such as Trello, Asana, Jira and others. This allows you to automatically synchronize tasks and track their progress without having to switch between different applications.


Automatic reminders and notifications

The service can send automatic reminders and notifications about important events, such as the start or end of the working day, task deadlines, and others. This helps users stay on top of their responsibilities and stay on schedule.


Optimization of work tasks using Yaware.TimeTracker

One of the main aspects of effective time management is the optimization of work tasks. Yaware.TimeTracker provides tools that help users manage their working time more efficiently and achieve better results.


Yaware.TimeTracker is a powerful time management tool that helps businesses and freelancers automate workflow, track offline activity, and optimize work tasks. Thanks to its wide capabilities and flexible settings, this service is an indispensable assistant in increasing productivity and work efficiency.


Don't delay and try Yaware.TimeTracker today to make your workflow more organized, productive and efficient!

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