Timesheets are the most popular way for teams and companies to monitor working hours.


A timesheet is an important document that helps you monitor employees' working hours and calculate their salaries. In this article, we'll take a look at what a timesheet is and what role it plays in companies' business processes. 


What should a timesheet contain?

For accurate time tracking, your timesheet should usually contain the following elements:

  • Employee's name
  • Pay period
  • Date
  • Day of the week
  • Project / task
  • Hours worked (including overtime)
  • Total number of hours of the working week


In traditional timesheet systems, users have to enter all the information manually and calculate the time spent on tasks.

However, there are also tools with automatic time tracking, such as Yaware.TimeTracker.


Types of timesheets

  • Project-oriented – keeps track of the time spent on each task within a project.
  • Daily – ideal for monitoring the time employees spend on work tasks on a daily basis to get an accurate picture of progress.
  • Weekly – consists of a summary of monitoring start time, finish time, breaks and overtime for seven days.
  • Bi-weekly – the same as the weekly timesheet, but it covers 14 days.
  • Monthly – in this type of timesheet, you can usually enter  regular working hours, overtime hours, and a rate for each day of the month.


What role does a timesheet play in a company's business processes?

Timesheets play a key role in the business processes of companies. Here are some reasons why it is so important:


1. Monitoring of working hours 

Timesheets allow companies to monitor employees' working hours. This helps to ensure that work tasks are completed on time and within the established work schedule. In addition, it helps the company to notice excessive vacation or incomplete work in time.


2. Payroll calculation

A time sheet is an important tool for calculating employee salaries. It allows you to accurately determine the number of hours an employee has worked and calculate their salary according to the established rate.


3. Work planning

A timesheet helps companies plan work and distribute tasks among employees. It allows you to keep track of the time spent on work tasks and adjust the work schedule if necessary.


4. Ensuring labor safety

A time sheet is also an important tool for ensuring workplace safety. It allows you to track the time employees spend at the workplace and monitor compliance with occupational safety rules and regulations.


To avoid having to choose between a timesheet and a time tracker, start using Yaware.TimeTracker is a great tool created to monitor work time for teams of any size and structure, allowing users to see the time spent on different tasks and projects. It can be useful for teams that want to be more productive and efficient in managing their time.


Yaware is:
1. Automatic counting – statistics that are automatically entered into the timesheet
2. Accurate efficiency analysis – the ability to see the real workload of teams
3. Convenient project and task management – all tasks in one place
4. Personal statistics – the ability to analyze your own performance
5. Many visual charts – analyze the work of employees in just a few minutes



Time and attendance is an integral part of any workplace. It provides valuable data for assessing productivity, attendance, and payroll. Employers should have a system in place to monitor their employees' time, train their employees on how to properly keep time records, and track progress regularly.

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