
Procrastination – this fancy word is actually a scientific name of our trying to put off the most difficult tasks. We invent hundreds excuses and “extremely important” activities in order to win a little time and not perform what we have to, but don’t want to do. Without a doubt, you recognize some of your staff members in this description, but don’t hurry to make conclusions yet.
It turns out, this way of behaving stems from our brain peculiarities. Researches have proved that we perceive ourselves in the future as totally different personalities. So, procrastination is like leaving the task for someone else to do in the future, while the present “you” has something else to do now.
Even though distancing ourselves from unpleasant tasks has a scientific ground, it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t do anything to overcome it. Especially at work, where every minute is on count and losing time can get very costly. In other words, how to make employees work more productively?

Time tracking as the way to increase productivity

Basically, becoming more productive means getting more work done in the course of the same working hours. So, it is about avoiding wasting time and using it most effectively. It is much like saving money. When we are serious about our budget, carefully writing down all our spendings helps to detect the invisible “holes” eating up the big part of our salary.
The same goes about working time. If all employees are working eight hours a day, but there is no visible progress, then probably they are too indulgent (or procrastinate too much) and need a little help with tracking down the activities holding them back. However, unlike the money tracking, where you need to write down all expenses by yourself, tracking work time is totally automated with the time tracking system.

How time tracking system spurs productivity?

Saving time
First of all, a time-tracker can be installed on every computer in the company and lets track the work time of all employees at once, even if they are thousand miles away. So, it drastically reduces the time middle and top managers used to spend controlling their subordinates.

Human errors excluded

Here’s the data recorded by a time tracking system:

  • when an employee starts work
  • which websites and software apps are used
  • how much time is spent for each resource
  • the number of breaks and their duration
  • when the work is finished

In addition, the system allows categorizing web – and software resources as productive, unproductive and neutral(uncategorized).

Objective productivity data

At the end of the day, each employee can get a visualized overview of the activity throughout the day by accessing his/her own time tracker stats. Too much time spent for unproductive resources (like social networks) or breaks on personal matters shows where the problem lies. On the other hand, an employee can be using only work-related tools, but spend too long for elementary tasks, which is also an emergency signal. Likewise, a person in charge can get reports on the work of individual employees or whole departments in a few mouse clicks. It lets get the objective data on the most efficient workers and those in need of extra motivation.

Time management and self-discipline

So, a time-tracking system serves as a means of spurring the self-organization abilities of your employees, as they will be using their work time more carefully remembering it is being tracked. Moreover, they have a chance to learn manage their time effectively by spotting the most time-consuming tasks.
Implementing a new system in the company should not be spontaneous. Therefore, you can give a try to Yaware.TimeTracker for free during 14 days after a short registration. This is an excellent way to ensure it really helps grow productivity and make a well-grounded decision.

Ready to use time tracking system to increase productivity?

Start your free 14 day trial

Effective timetracking on the computer

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