In this article, we will talk about the positive experience of implementing the program and the impact of the Yaware.TimeTracker time tracker on the productivity of companies.

But first, let's tell you what the Yaware.TimeTracker time tracking program is:


Yaware.TimeTracker is an innovative system designed to record the working time of employees. It provides automatic monitoring of the activities of employees on the computer, which allows managers of enterprises and companies to effectively manage resources and optimize work processes. The main purpose of this system is to increase the productivity and efficiency of work on tasks.


Yaware.TimeTracker helps the manager:

  • Evaluate computer performance
  • Monitor tardiness and other violations
  • Identify the best and worst employee
  • Supervise employees with flexible work schedules
  • Keep track of the time of meetings and breaks
  • Assess the actual staff workload
  • Conduct remote control of personnel work
  • Calculate the wages of employees with hourly wages


Accounting of working hours

Yaware.TimeTracker is an innovative system designed to record the working time of employees. It provides automatic monitoring of the activities of employees on the computer, which allows managers of enterprises and organizations to effectively manage resources and optimize work processes. The main goal of this system is to increase productivity and work efficiency through accurate tracking of time spent on tasks.


Electronic timesheet

The electronic time sheet is an important component of Yaware.TimeTracker. This function allows you to automatically generate reports on the working hours of each employee, which greatly simplifies the personnel management process. Managers can see how much time is spent on specific projects, tasks, or other activities, allowing them to make more informed decisions about resource allocation.


Work efficiency

Employee performance is one of the key indicators that can be evaluated using Yaware.TimeTracker. The system allows you to identify inefficient work processes, identify employees who need additional training or support, and take the necessary measures to improve overall productivity. Analyzing work performance becomes much easier thanks to the detailed reports generated by the program.


Work time planning

Scheduling work time with Yaware.TimeTracker becomes much easier and more efficient. Managers can use the data obtained from the system to create optimal work schedules that take into account the actual time spent on different activities. This allows you to avoid overloading employees and ensure a more even distribution of workload.


Optimization of rest time

Optimizing rest time is an important aspect that helps to maintain a high level of productivity. Yaware.TimeTracker allows you to analyze not only working time, but also breaks, which allows managers to find the optimal balance between work and rest. This helps reduce the level of stress among employees and increase their job satisfaction.


Analysis of time efficiency using reports

One of the key tools of Yaware.TimeTracker is the analysis of time efficiency with the help of reports. The system generates detailed reports on all aspects of work activity, which allows managers to see the full picture and make informed decisions. Reports can be customized according to the needs of a particular enterprise and include various performance indicators.

Yaware offers to use the program for 14 days for free, so that you can experience all the functionality of the program firsthand, and only then make a decision to purchase a license.


Register now and become more productive!


Successful results of program implementation

The pandemic has changed business, especially the way processes are organized in large companies. We discussed this and the decision to use a time tracker with Igor Bespalov, a leading quality management system specialist at a development company.


Development company develops comprehensive solutions for banks, e-commerce, and stock exchanges. In 27 years on the market, they have become IT partners with companies where reliability and security come first.


Why did you install the Enterprise version of the time tracker in the development company?

«When in May 2020 we decided to work remotely, we realized that the “couch” office must be controlled somehow.


Some people call time trackers ‘ evil’. On the other hand, drugs from the difference between the cure and the poison is in the dose. Therefore, if there are things that reassure managers – then large companies can afford them. It's Yaware that gives us that peace of mind.»


How does a development company use a time tracker for the good of hardworking employees?

The pandemic has changed business, especially the way processes are organized in large companies. We discussed this and the decision to use a time tracker with Igor Bespalov, a leading quality management system specialist at a development company.


development company develops comprehensive solutions for banks, e-commerce, and stock exchanges. In 27 years on the market, they have become IT partners with companies where reliability and security come first.


Why did you install the Enterprise version of the time tracker in the development company?

«When in May 2020 we decided to work remotely, we realized that the “couch” office must be controlled somehow.


Some people call time trackers ‘an evil’. On the other hand, drugs from the difference between the cure and the poison is in the dose. Therefore, if there are things that reassure managers – then large companies can afford them. It's Yaware that gives us that peace of mind.»


Why did you choose Yaware.TimeTracker? 

«We did not come to you immediately. Because when the initial decision was made to control remote work, the wrong product was chosen due to the urgency of the situation. You never know until you try.»


Igor says that Kickidler played an important role in launching remote work, but comparison with Yaware shows the undeniable advantages of the latter.


  • Kickidler is very cumbersome and loses to Yaware in terms of usability;
  • In Yaware, a report on the productivity of 350 employees is generated in a couple of seconds, and in Kickidler it took an hour to analyze one person's statistics; 
  • Kickidler is memory-hungry while Yaware is a “light” background software. It does not prevent people from performing their usual activities.


«I would rate Yaware 9/10 and Kickidler 4/10. Obviously, in December 2020, we completely abandoned the former product and we`re very happy about it.»


How does a time tracker work for the good of hardworking employees?

In a large company, the leader does not know everything. But the loyal worker is aware that his colleague is underworking, and does not report because he may feel guilty about it. But, he sees it, it demotivates him and it spreads among others like rot in apples. Unscrupulous employees infect other team members with their dishonesty.


According to Igor, the sooner you make a decision that will strengthen your team, the better. the development company made sure that honest employees work equally well in the office and at home. According to statistics, 95% of subordinates whom Igor perceived as responsible turned out to be that way. And the other 5% have to follow their example.


Now, we clearly understand whether the remote employee works or not. If a person is on vacation or sick leave, we calculate the payment compensation according to the time tracker, as well as bonuses for overtime. 


Why should companies use a time tracker? 

«Not just companies. I would recommend the program even for personal use. It is easy to distract anyone, and if there are mechanisms that return us to work, to a professional state – why not use them?» 

At this difficult time, you need to optimize resources and a time tracker helps with it. It goes without saying that control is a necessary thing, but not the only thing needed. In development company time tracker data is not considered the only thing when it comes to decision making. Managers take the information into account but do not follow it blindly.


«This software is not used for watching someone. Therefore, employees need to calm down, because no one controls them. In our company, to supervise 700 employees, we`d have to hire 30 people to supervise. Plus one more to manage those who manage.» 


One employee said: “It's a pity the time tracker doesn't take into account when I'm solving customers` problems on the phone in the subway» 

Behind these words is the desire to make cooperation transparent, and that's great. That's why companies need a time tracker.

Even more successful projects on the implementation of the program are available – at the link.

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