Yaware.TimeTracker vs WorkTrial
What Is WorkTrial?
WorkTrial is a time tracking software, aimed to fit the workflow of freelancers, agencies, and project teams. The application is ought to keep track of employees’ work for each project and task.
What Is Yaware.TimeTracker?
Yaware.TimeTracker is a web-based software used to track employees’ time effortlessly for both managers and employees. It is perfectly suitable for freelancers, employees of big/medium/small organizations, as well as for remote staff.
How Does WorkTrial Work?
Once you start working on something, you should assign your activity to the task/project, add the description and then the timer starts to record your time. In case you need to work on a different task/project you have to repeat the procedure described above.
How Does Yaware.TimeTracker Work?
Yaware.TimeTracker works fully automatically and does not require to be turned ‘on’ or ‘off’. The software records all used resources along with the time spent on them. You can choose full time monitoring or specify hours for time tracking in settings.
Does Editing Time Help or Hurt Data Accuracy?
WorkTrial allows to edit recorded time, in case you forget to turn the timer on. Yaware.TimeTracker captures all visited websites and used applications and time spent on each of them automatically. The collected data is generated into reports, and employees can not make changes.
The benefits of automatic time tracking over timer recordings:
- No need to turn the tracking on;
- Automatic tracking of new activity, when it starts unexpected;
- No editings needed, the data is gathered automatically.

How Can the Time of Phone Call Be Recorded with WorkTrial?
Once the phone rings, you should create a new work entry. The time will be recorded, when it takes longer than 1 minute. After phone call you should go back to app, describe the the activity and select a new one.
How Can the Time of Phone Call Be Recorded with Yaware.TimeTracker?
Once you start a phone call, and are away from the computer, Yaware.TimeTracker records this time as offline. Once the phone call is finished and you are online again, appears a form with an opportunity to describe offline activity.
The Importance of Automatic Categorization of Used Resources
Unlike WorkTrial, Yaware.TimeTracker has a database with more than 15k resources. They are divided into three groups in accordance with their productivity status: productive (essential for work), neutral (unknown or slightly relevant to work), unproductive (distracting from work).
As a result, manager receives report by categories. It allows to see, if the employee was spending time productively working on the task/project.
On the other hand, employee gets his/her own statistics with productivity status, and improves efficiency if needed.