Successful implementation of Yaware – Stanislav

How often do you use Yaware in your manager account? How much time do you spend on Yaware per week?

“Once every 1-2 weeks, I set aside 20 minutes for short sessions in Yaware, using some and long sessions. Yaware is a real leader in performance customization, providing an overview of employee performance and being used as needed.”

Did you succeed in solving the problem for which Yaware is being used?

Several negatives, such as an inconvenient task tracker and an outdated and unintuitive interface, could not overshadow the brilliant quality of Yaware. My rating is 7 out of 10.

“The project management system and performance indicators in our team are among the main ones. Yaware highlights our KPIs and influences code quality and SCRUM standards. There are a few points where Yaware can improve its capabilities, but overall it gives us power and defines the quality of work”

“Monitoring employee activity is very important, and Yaware manages to do it perfectly. Using Toggle is not very convenient and often buggy. All this is favorably compensated by using Power BI for analysis.”