Successful implementation of Yaware – Eduard, manager

How often do you use Yaware in your manager account? How much time do you spend on Yaware per week?

“In unclear situations, I use Yaware from time to time. I receive email reports and analyze user interfaces. A few features I use a lot are adding users (UX) and generating reports for shell analysis. I rate the functionality of Yaware at 8 out of 10.”

Did you succeed in solving the problem for which Yaware is being used?

Although we haven't fully migrated yet, we have managed to partially solve some of the problems. We have not yet fully migrated from previous systems, but the migration process is ongoing.

“Regarding the overall system, we do not have a one-size-fits-all approach; it depends on the choice of managers. However, certain features such as Tomato Timers are integrated at specific stages and do not exceed 10% usage. Managers are given bonuses depending on their performance.”

What other methods and solutions do you use?

For external tools, we rely on Google Docs, Excel and Power BI for collaboration and data analysis.

We also considered the possibility of creating an integration with the API for user management, but this has not been implemented so far.

“For confusing situations, I use Yaware from time to time. I receive email reports and analyze user interfaces. A few features I often use are adding users (UX) and generating reports for shell analysis. I rate the functionality of Yaware at 8 out of 10.”
Eduard, manager