Successful implementation of Yaware – CEO Yuriy
How often do you use Yaware in your manager account? How much time do you spend on Yaware per week?
“I spend up to 5 hours a week working with long sessions. But it is important that with the help of Yaware, I can adjust performance, form groups of users and receive daily reports.”
Did you succeed in solving the problem for which Yaware is being used?
During the use of Yaware, there were difficulties with managing users in the group, and it was not always clear how changes in general settings affect the individual settings of group members. There were also problems with setting absence accounting statuses due to different rules for home and office settings. The ability to use an API would help in solving this problem. Also, sometimes on the MacBook, resources on some websites were dropped in Google Chrome without proper categorization.
“With Yaware, I was able to increase accountability and analyze systemic inefficiencies. Overall, I achieved my goals using Yaware.”
How is the productivity of employees evaluated in your company?
Our company no longer has a problem with estimating working hours. Now salary is bound to Yaware data.