Successful implementation of Yaware – CEO Tetiana

How often do you use Yaware in your manager account? How much time do you spend on Yaware per week?

“I use Yaware every day. I was engaged in categorization at the request of colleagues.”

Did you succeed in solving the problem for which Yaware is being used?

As for the evaluation of the use of Yaware, I put 9 points. I was somewhat disappointed in some aspects, such as the number of different reports and the low informativeness of some of them. They did not respond to business requests and required reports were missing. It also seemed to me that email reports were rarely used due to the floating schedule and confusion with delays. In other words, there is a certain inconsistency.

“I am pleased with the opportunity to observe the employees, when there were a lot of them. It also helps to check their workload and working hours. My goals have changed and now the tracker has become a useful tool for the manager and in terms of evaluating rework before payment.”

How is the productivity of employees evaluated in your company?

Using Yaware helped me 70% to solve the problem. However, it was not possible to track all requirements and wishes. We have internal KPIs for individual employees and they are awarded bonuses for KPI fulfillment. It helps to motivate and evaluate performance.

“In our case, Yaware helped with the first two goals. Later, we changed direction and started using it for management and evaluation of revisions before payment.”

What other methods and solutions do you use?

We also use other tools such as Kanban, Calendars, MS To-Do and Wunderlist.

It would be very useful for us to have an integration with the KPP and CRM system. Improvements in categorization, namely more accurate automatic categorization, would also be important. I categorized about 15,000 resources within six months. Maybe you should think about how to automate this process more precisely.

“I am satisfied with the ability to monitor employees when there are a lot of them. It also helps to check their workload and working hours. My goals have changed and now the tracker has become a useful tool for the manager and in terms of evaluating revisions before payment.”
CEO Tetiana