Friendly employee monitoring software for better results
Yaware.TimeTracker is a simple and user-friendly employee monitoring software designed specifically to improve productivity.
Yaware cares not only about companies, but also about their employees. Buying a Yaware.TimeTracker license will be useful for:
- a company that wants to increase staff productivity and, as a result, increase profits;
- an employee who wants to increase their earnings and receive transparent reporting and a fair assessment of the efforts made.
Features of the employee monitoring tool
Maintain staff discipline with employee activity monitoring software
Find out which of your employees are violating discipline:
Being late. The “Lateness Report” will show you how often an employee starts their working day later than planned and how systematically such violations are repeated. You will see the number of late arrivals to work and the exact time of the shortcomings.
Leave work earlier. The report “Earlier Departures from work” will show you which employees voluntarily reduce their working hours and leave the workplace earlier than planned.
You can also find out what employees are doing when they are not working at the computer: performing other tasks or wasting time.
Yaware.TimeTracker will show you when and how long an employee was absent from the workplace and what they were doing:
- working with documents
- attended a meeting or a call;
- had a lunch;
- solving personal issues, etc.
With the help of this employee tracking software, each employee can see their performance on their own, which motivates and promotes more productive work.

How Yaware helps to monitor employees?

start/finish of the working time;

late arrivals and departures earlier than the established working day;

absence of employees at their workplaces and the reason for it: meetings, breaks or lunch

the actual number of hours worked.
Use only good employee tracking software, such as Yaware.TimeTracker, and you won't run into any problems. Only solutions!
Moreover, Yaware offers 14 days of free use of the program so that you can experience its functionality to the fullest!