Employee Management Software
Track and manage employee time and attendance easier
Time and attendance management is vital for any business, so it should be accurate and efficient. Use Yaware.TimeTracker to track time and attendance automatically, and so eliminate entry errors, make time tracking fair and invisible.
Find out what employees do away from the computer
The time that employees spend working away from the computer is an important part of the workflow. Use Yaware.TimeTracker to find out what employees do during their offline activities. Track the duration and frequency of meeting, negotiations, lunch breaks, etc. to decide how you can optimize the workflow.
Check the dynamic of employee productivity to take right actions
Yaware.TimeTracker builds dynamics of the working time of the company, each specific department, and company overall. Check it to see how the amount of productive and unproductive time changes. Are there are big jumps in productivity? Find the possible reasons for that and eliminate them.
Manage time and productivity of both in-house and remote employees
Yaware.TimeTracker is a cloud-based solution so that you can monitor the work of both in-house and remote employees. All you have to do to get started is enter the email of employees you want to monitor into a simple form and send them an invitation email. The installation takes a couple of seconds, and you will start receiving the fist data in 15 minutes after installation.
How does employee management software help productivity?
Except for just tracking time and attendance, using Yaware.TimeTracker you get a chance to assess employee productivity.
Which resources do employees use during the day and how they influence their productivity?
Yaware.TimeTracker will tell you that. The software divides all websites that employees visit and apps that they use into three categories:
- productive (work-related);
- unproductive (distracting);
- neutral (less work-related or uncategorised).
So, you can monitor employees’ working process and help them achieve greater results by navigating their work in the right direction.
Powerful reporting that helps you manage employees better
Yaware.TimeTracker provides you with all necessary reports so you can evaluate the performance of your employees and company in general.
The reports are complete and easy to understand. All data is presented in colorful blocks, so you can quickly assess employee productivity.
Yaware.TimeTracker provides you with:
- dashboard (summary of company’s performance);
- timesheet (single timesheet for the whole company);
- activities summary (frequently used applications grouped by productivity);
- by time (the ratio between productive, unproductive and neutral time).
And there many other reports that allow you to dig deep into company's performance.