Online Time Tracking Software
Track Time Automatically
Get an accurate picture of employees’ working time with automatic time tracking. Yaware.TimeTracker starts capturing time since the moment employee turns on the computer and till the end of his/her working day. So, there’s no need to push the start and stop button.
Stay Updated About the Work of Remote Teams
Yaware.TimeTracker is a web based solution. This means that you can track the time of employees that are not in the same building or even country. Measure and increase the productivity of remote teams effortlessly.
Try the Benefits of Cloud-based Data Storage
Manual ways of tracking time are outdated. Yaware.TimeTracker keeps all the data in the cloud, i.e. on remote servers. The work of application does not affect the performance of your computer, and you can assess the reports from any place in the world.
Analyze Live Data
Yaware.TimeTracker updates the information about employees’ work every hour. You can also check what employees are occupied with at a specific moment by checking the report “By real-time activities”.
Measure Employee Productivity Using Online Time Tracking Software
Use Yaware.TimeTracker to measure and increase employee productivity. The system automatically captures applications and websites that employees use during the day, as well as the duration of use. Moreover the software divides them into three categories:
- productive;
- unproductive;
- neutral.

Create specific settings
Yaware.TimeTracker allows you to receive the most accurate data about the work of employees. You can assign a different time of the beginning and the end of the working day, productivity statuses of apps depending on employee’s position and responsibilities.
Let Employees Eliminate the Time-Eaters by Themselves
With Yaware.TimeTracker employees can increase their workplace productivity by checking personal reports. Each employee gets a list of used apps, their productivity status, and the duration of use. So, it’s easy to determine and eliminate time-eaters.
Benefit the Insightful Visuals
All the reports that Yaware.TimeTracker generates are represented in a simple visual form.
In addition, you can enable screenshots and webcam shots to monitor the productivity of remote employees and freelancers.