Modern call centers are important elements of many businesses, providing customer support and performing various tasks that require constant communication. To achieve high productivity and work efficiency, it is necessary to use effective tools for monitoring operators. Yaware offers a comprehensive solution for monitoring the working hours of operators, which will help to optimize the work of the call center and increase productivity.


Why is it important to monitor the working hours of operators?

Monitoring operator working hours is a critical aspect of call center management. Working time tracking allows you to determine how effectively operators are using their working time and identify opportunities for optimization. Thanks to this, it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the call center and ensure high quality of customer service.


Yaware is the best time tracker for call center

Yaware offers the best call center time tracker that provides accurate monitoring of operator working hours and allows you to receive detailed reports on their activities. This tool helps call center managers to monitor the productivity of operators and identify problematic points in their work.


Key capabilities of Yaware for call centers:

  • Monitoring of operator working hours: Yaware automatically records the time spent by operators on tasks, allowing managers to see an accurate picture of their activities.
  • Operator Performance Analysis: The tool provides detailed reports on the performance of each operator, allowing you to identify the most productive employees and identify areas for improvement.
  • Optimizing Call Center Hours: With data collected by Yaware, managers can optimize operator schedules to ensure maximum call center efficiency.


Call center efficiency

Increasing the efficiency of the call center is one of the main goals of any business. Thanks to the use of Yaware, managers can not only track the working hours of operators, but also analyze various aspects of their activities.


How does Yaware help improve call center efficiency?

  • Call Center Call Statistics: Yaware provides detailed call statistics that allow you to analyze operator workloads and identify peak periods.
  • Work schedules in the call center: Thanks to the ability to optimize the work schedules of operators, managers can ensure an even distribution of the load and avoid overloads.
  • Improve call center productivity: By analyzing data collected by Yaware, managers can implement changes that improve productivity and customer service.


Tools for monitoring operators

Yaware provides a wide range of tools for monitoring operators, which allow you to get a complete picture of their activities and make informed management decisions.


Key operator monitoring tools from Yaware:

  • Work Time Tracking: Automatically track time spent on tasks.
  • Detailed reports: Regular performance reports that help managers evaluate operator performance.
  • Data Analysis: Tools for analyzing collected data to identify problems and opportunities for improvement.


Call center call statistics

Collecting and analyzing call statistics is an important aspect of call center management. Yaware provides detailed call statistics that allow managers to assess workload and determine operator performance.


The main indicators of call statistics:

  • Number of Calls Handled: Displays the total number of calls handled by operators for a given period.
  • Call Handling Time: Tracks the average time spent handling a single call.
  • Customer waiting time: Shows how long customers are waiting to connect with the operator.
  • Improving the productivity of the call center
  • In order to improve the productivity of the call center, it is necessary to regularly analyze the efficiency of the operators' work and implement the appropriate changes. Yaware helps with this with its powerful monitoring and analysis tools.


How Yaware helps improve productivity:

  • Identification of problematic points: Regular data analysis allows us to identify problematic points in the work of operators and promptly eliminate them.
  • Optimizing Workflows: Using collected data to optimize workflows, which increases overall productivity.
  • Training and development of operators: Based on the collected data, you can plan training programs and activities for improving the skills of operators.


Yaware offers to use the program for 14 days for free, so that you can experience all the functionality of the program firsthand, and only then make a decision to purchase a license.


Register now and become more productive!



Yaware is an effective call center monitoring software that provides accurate operator time monitoring, detailed performance analysis and workflow optimization. By using Yaware, call center managers can increase the efficiency of their teams, optimize work schedules and ensure a high level of customer service. If you are looking for the best call center time tracker, Yaware is your perfect choice to improve the productivity and efficiency of your call center.

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