Improving employee discipline is a very important task for management, but it is equally important to maintain the trust and support of employees. Here are some tips on how to achieve this balance: 


1. Set clear expectations 

Set clear, specific, and achievable goals for employees. They need to know what is expected of them and what quality or performance standards they need to meet.


2. Provide adequate training 

Ensure that employees have the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their duties. Provide them with training and development opportunities so that they feel prepared for their tasks.


3. Motivate 

Develop an incentive system that encourages employees to commit and achieve results. Use a variety of methods, such as rewards, praise, professional growth opportunities, and interesting projects to encourage them to perform well.


4. Build good communication

Establish open and effective communication with employees. Create opportunities to discuss their concerns, needs, and ideas. Listen to their views and opinions so that they feel valued as team members and know that their opinions matter.


5. Be fair 

Maintain a fair approach to all employees. Apply the same standards and rules to everyone and avoid making subjective decisions. This will help maintain trust and relationships with employees.


6. Provide support 

Be available to employees and provide them with the support they need. Help them solve problems that may arise in the workplace and provide additional resources when needed.


7. Exercise discipline yourself 

Leadership should be an example of discipline and professionalism. So follow established procedures, start the day on time, and perform your duties responsibly. This will show employees the importance of discipline.


8. Use software

A time tracker can be a useful tool for improving employee discipline, as it allows you to keep track of and analyze the time spent on various tasks. 

But you may have thought that a time tracker and trust are somewhat incompatible. This is not the case if you follow some recommendations for implementing a tool like Yaware.TimeTracker. Here are a few important steps to effectively implement a time tracker without losing employee trust:


  • Don't use a time tracker as a way to constantly monitor employees, but use it as a tool for self-monitoring and productivity.
  • Explain the real purpose of using a time tracker.
  • Ensure data confidentiality and security by stating that the data will be used only for internal analysis and process improvement.
  • Use only good software.

One such example of good software we know is Yaware.TimeTracker.


Yaware is a simple and convenient time tracker for teams of any size and structure, designed specifically to increase productivity.


With its help, you will find out:

  • what time of day is the most productive for employees;
  • what resources employees use to complete a specific task;
  • how much time is spent on a task;
  • when there are difficulties in completing a task and help is needed;
  • what distracts employees and prevents them from moving forward.


In addition, Yaware offers 14 days of free use of the program so that you can experience its functionality to the fullest!



In general, it is worth remembering that increasing discipline should not be a punishment, but should be aimed at developing and supporting employees. Maintain an open dialogue and trust, communicate with your employees, and create a favorable work environment where they feel encouraged to achieve high performance.

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