Even people with a high level of self-organization and responsibility have failed to complete work on time at least once in their lives. Deadlines, on the one hand, cause stress: what to grab for, how to get everything done, haste and fuss. On the other hand, expiring deadlines motivate people to concentrate, start working faster and more productively.


So how do you work with deadlines in a way that doesn't lose your balance and allows you to get more done? We share some useful tips in this article.

1. Set realistic deadlines

To get more done without stress, the first and most important step is to set realistic deadlines. This means that you have to take into account your (or your employees') other responsibilities, workload, and abilities. If you set deadlines that are too ambitious, you may feel overwhelmed and discouraged. But it's important to find the right balance here, because if you set deadlines that are too lenient, you may procrastinate and not make progress.


2. Set intermediate project deadlines

Break any large project into separate small stages. Set deadlines for each of them. Using Google Sheets, for example, will help you to organize yourself very well. They can be opened from any device (if you have the Internet), which is very convenient. This way you can see what needs to be done. If you notice that at some stage there is a risk of missing the deadline, you can make changes in time.


3. Prioritize your tasks

Making a to-do list by priorities is a great way to get organized. Give each task a due date. Highlight tasks that require immediate completion in a certain color. Highlight tasks that can wait until next week in a different color.

This way, you'll see what needs to be done this week and won't be distracted by less important things next week. 


4. Use supportive tools 

There are many tools that can help you use deadlines to get more done. For example, you can use task management apps to set deadlines and track your progress. You can also use a calendar to schedule deadlines and reminders. By using these tools, you can stay organized and motivated.


You can also try implementing Yaware.TimeTracker, a software designed specifically to increase your productivity, with which you can see:

  • what time of day is the most productive;
  • what resources employees use to complete a particular task;
  • how much time is spent on a task;
  • when there are difficulties in completing a task and help is needed;
  • what distracts employees and prevents them from moving forward.


This data will help you solve any problem at an early stage, focus on your work, and ultimately finish the project on time. 

Moreover, Yaware offers 14 days of free use of the program so that you can experience its functionality to the fullest!


5. Don't mix work time with personal time

Learn to separate work and leisure time. You have a working day that has a start time, an end time, and a break time. Keep this balance. Don't try to cover the vast, don't sacrifice your personal time for the sake of work. Because if you work without breaks, it will not lead to results at all, and even vice versa – to professional burnout. And in such circumstances, you will hardly be able to meet the deadline.


A few words in conclusion 

If you follow the above tips, you and your employees will not be stressed by deadlines, but rather will be encouraged to work productively and unleash your creativity.


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